Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. — Stephen Hawking


GAIA is an ESA space astrometry mission to create an extremely precise three-dimensional map of about one billion stars throughout our Galaxy and beyond. ALTEC is responsible for the development and system operations of the Gaia Data Processing Centre Turin (DPCT), the Italian node of the ESA data centers network, in close cooperation with INAF-OATO. The GAIA-DPCT work represents for ALTEC the first experience in dealing with/storing  Science Big Data; the final volume is likely to reach 2 Petabytes.


ALTEC develops, hosts and operates the Italian Science Data Center for Euclid (SDC-IT), in close cooperation with INAF-OATS. EUCLID is an ESA mission to investigate on dark energy and dark matter, based on a space telescope, accurately measuring the acceleration of the Universe. The SDC-IT is part of a network of nine European Science Data Centers. ALTEC skills in dealing with/storing big science data, acquired supporting the GAIA mission, is fostered by the EUCLID-SDC-IT experience, that is likely to reach a volume of an order of magnitude higher, possibly up to 20 Petabytes.


METIS – Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy, is an innovative coronagraph onboard the Solar Orbiter ESA mission. Thanks to innovative techniques, METIS will increase our knowledge of solar dynamics. ALTEC develops, hosts and operates the MOF – Metis Operations Facility, in close cooperation with INAF-OATO.

