Sig. Maurizio Ravidà
Has 30 years of experience in corporate communications and public relations, he has started with “Armando Testa” the first Italian ADV company and then take care of business communication and public affairs, first in the English Granada Group plc finally into SEAT-Yellow Page. Professionally, he was trained in Rome in the 80s and in 1993 he returned to Turin, his hometown, where in 1997 he founded SEC & Associates (SECNewgate Group), of which since 2004 he is Chief Executive Officer.
With SEC & Associates he participates in the growth of the SECNewgate Group, currently among the top 25 public relations agencies in the world, in particular by identifying new best practices for corporate communication and in the use of new digital media.
In recent years with SEC & Associates, he worked on the corporate communications of companies and public organizations, with a focus on constant innovation in processes and the impact of new technologies.
Historical partner and FERPI (Italian Public Relations Federation) trainer, from 2000 to 2010 has been board member of IRES, Institute for Social and Economic Research, in the period 2009-2015 board member of “Prospera” Onlus charity, while since 2014 he has contributed to the foundation and growth of the non-profit organization of “Cultura Italiae”.