Ing. Vincenzo Giorgio
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from Federico II in Naples, he began his activity in the space sector of the then Aeritalia as head of communication systems and on-board computers for satellites.
Previously responsible for scientific projects such as Hipparcos and Integral, he also worked for the International Space Station.
He was Vice President for Science and Exploration of Thales Alenia Space Italia dealing with the realization of important European projects such as GOCE, Herschel & Plank and the start of projects such as: BepiColombo which targets the planet Mercury, the Solar Orbiter project and the mission Exomars for the exploration of the red planet.
Since 2004 Member of the ISEC “International Space Exploration Committee”.
Today Vice-President Marketing & Sales for the institutional activities of Thales Alenia Space Italia and Chief Executive Officer of ALTEC S.p.A.